What? November is over? When did that happen? Oh well, let the Christmas Craziness begin! We got our tree last week and I am pleased to say it's the nicest tree we've ever had! (Of course, it didn't cost $5 like last year's tree). As we were decorating it Addison said to me "Mom, I just love this time of year." It was so tender! I tried to say "me too" without getting so choaked up that I couldn't talk. That's what pregnancy does to me...I even got choaked up in the car the other day singing 'Let it Snow'...?? We took the kids to see Santa last weekend too. Addison was eager to tell him that he wants 'Gordon' for his Thomas Train set, and Laynie was into looking pretty as she got her picture taken!
I really do love this season, we have had Christmas music playing constantly (I entered some Christmas songs on Pandora, and walla- a new Pandora station!) It is so easy to always think of the Savior and the miracles of this life! MERRY CHRISTMAS!