One of my 2 new-years resolutions was to be a nicer mom...more patient, extra loving, blah, blah, blah. So I should have known that by resolving to do better at something, I would be tested!...maybe I just didn't realize that test would be so difficult!!! (I'm totally whining right now; something that I tell the kids never to do...) Anyway! Last Sunday it snowed AGAIN, so instead of going back to school was CANCELED! Tuesday was a school day and I tried to figure out what to do with a whole day of no fights to break up, timeouts to give, etc. (okay, not a WHOLE DAY, but close) Wednesday I drove to school to drop Addison off and saw ZERO cars in the parking lot...please try to imagine my dismay- NO SCHOOL. Wednesday night while feeding Hailey I turned on the the TV and noticed the 'schools canceled' bar running across the bottom of the station...more dismay as Spokane Public School District was canceled for THURSDAY! Friday THANKFULLY was again a school day and I love school days. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my kids...but like any two people, they do best with a little separation from each other.
I was going to put new vinyl on the door for January that says "Let it Snow!"...yeah, I think I'll skip that and move right to "Happy Valentines!"
Haha!! Man I loved having snow days as a kid!! I wished so much that they would have had some snow days for us workin folk too! Ya know, all the adults gathered around the TV watching the lil banner at the bottom of the screen just hoping they will close our jobs for the day! No such luck for me!! Maybe you should put a sign on your door that says, "Let it melt!" luckily it is :)
I feel your pain. we had a week of no school days right before our Two week Christmas vacation. Three weeks in a row was WAYYYY too long. We love school!!
So you're not going to start homeschooling : )
I can't believe the snow you guys have gotten this year.
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