These are all the men in the neighborhood trying to move our piano from our house to our neighbors (it obviously didn't make the moving cut). It was quite a task, but they accomplished their you can see, Kelly is so happy to get rid of things, the less to move, the better! this is his motto
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
At least someone's having fun!
These are all the men in the neighborhood trying to move our piano from our house to our neighbors (it obviously didn't make the moving cut). It was quite a task, but they accomplished their you can see, Kelly is so happy to get rid of things, the less to move, the better! this is his motto
Posted by Annie Ditto at 9:56 AM 8 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Beginning of Good-bye
Posted by Annie Ditto at 8:50 AM 5 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Posted by Annie Ditto at 8:17 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
What a week!
Where to start...
Last Saturday we signed a contract and sold our house! We feel so blessed that it happened to fast! and in today's market! (that's what everyone keeps saying at least...) The family we sold it to couldn't be nicer and fits all of my imaginary requirements; young kids, likes to garden, etc.
The very next day I had my first major know, uncontrollable sobs and hyperventilating-like breathing. Kelly was good for a hug to make me feel a little better, oh yeah, and I also promptly drowned my sorrows in a rootbeer float...nothing like a little emotional eating :)
Yesterday I dropped the kids off with Mary and headed to a dentist appointment...the dentist had just shot the Novocaine in my cheek when the secretary came in and said I had a call from my sister. Mary was crying and said she had lost her balance and dropped Hailey and she wouldn't stop crying (Hailey, that is). Anyway, after seeing the pediatrician, being pulled over TWICE for "rolling through a stop sign" (different cops thank goodness!), and getting a CT scan for Hailey, it was determined she had a fracture on her skull and we were admitted to the trauma unit of the ER. This sounds worse than it is. She had no sub-cranial bleeding and was functioning normally. So, the doctors asked us to stay a while for "observation."
Well, after sitting in an emergency "room" (actually a section of a room divided with a curtain) for 2+ hours WITHOUT seeing or hearing from any medical-type...I asked to go home because we obviously were not being "observed." Two hours after this request I saw a doctor, and 2 hours after that I was finally on my way home. Wow, what a frustrating experience that was!
Tomorrow is the emergency preparedness fair that I am in charge of- my last hurrah as enrichment counselor before our big move. I have NOT started packing yet, I keep saying Monday will be the day, we'll see. But I did shower for the first time in the up-stairs shower this morning! It was GREAT, and sad to think we won't get to enjoy our new bathroom for very long before saying good-bye! Although if I had my choice, I would say good-bye to a bathroom any day if it meant I didn't have to say good-bye to my friends!! I miss you already!
Posted by Annie Ditto at 10:35 PM 10 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
This picture is not supposed to be about me mowing the lawn, but rather show off my very fashionable ring-sling! No, it's not just a wad of material on my chest, Hailey is in there and I love it! My friend Heather makes them and she and I did a little trade (vinyl for ring sling) right after Hailey was born. I like it better than the baby bjorn that we had with the last two...less straps to worry about and way more comfortable!
Hailey is doing great, waking up only once a night for the past few days now! She is so pleasant and happy and we just love her!
And on to the biggest news...we got an offer on our house last night! That means we only had our 'For Sale' sign up for 3 days before we got an offer! I'm sure our beautiful sign (made with vinyl of course) made all the difference :)
We are excited to see what comes of the offer and if we can work with the family...I couldn't have hand-picked a cuter family to buy our house!
We'll keep you posted!
Posted by Annie Ditto at 7:07 AM 4 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Good-bye litte house...
Posted by Annie Ditto at 7:42 AM 8 comments