Sunday, January 9, 2022

Elder Arce's Birthday!

 Welcome to another episode of Elder Ditto's Sick Mission. On this weeks episode look forward to many exciting events! This week was solid it was hard but fun.

- Tuesday Elder Payne woke up and he couldn't really taste anything, so we had to spend a lot of the day quarantining until we got results.
- Elder Arce's Birthday, such a fun day, we partied hard.
- Ward Christmas party, lots of fun and food!

Monday- We had a great P-day, In the morning we played basketball and I actually played pretty good. Elder Arce and Elder Gray met my Grandparents so that's crazy. Then we went and played more basketball. We played like 5 hours of basketball it was good stuff.

Tuesday- During breakfast Elder Payne said that he couldn't really taste breakfast (oh no) he even had a scoop of some super strong salsa and he got nothing. So sadly we had to spend most of the day quarantining. But we got the results in time to go to the ZL's volleyball night with them. That was lots of fun but I didn't start playing good until the end.

Mierocoles- The bummiest day of the week. We were going to have a lesson with the Torres family and press them about baptism but then right before the lesson they told us they want to stay catholic :( But we kinda talked to them a little and after sharing about temples and eternal families they seemed to be a little more open to it. Luckily they still want to meet with us and so hopefully we can still teach and eventually baptism them. Then we went to Najla's house and it was so sad because of what she is going through in her life right now. I felt even worse that I couldn't understand her that well because of Spanish. But I went home and was super sad, I'm very glad I have an Elder Arce in my life who is the best and talks to and encourages me.

Jueves- Good day, before district council we went to Elders Bethea and Roberts and they cooked us deer steaks which were super yummy. We had District council and it was very good. I love my district, they are the coolest. Our "We The North" shirts came because we are the Spanish north zone, and we are very proud and passionate about it. So we took so sick pictures. 

Friday- We did some service in the morning at a food bank and that was fun. Went went out to lunch after. I got an email about Visa stuff, so that's super Awesome! When we were out we stopped by this English ward's Christmas party and brought home a ton of ham, so that was a nice addition to the night. 

Saturday- ELDER ARCE'S BIRTHDAY. We partied hard all day. In the morning we woke up extra early and balled out. Then we went home and made Elder Arce some fire Blueberry Pancakes, then we went to the Family History center so I could start the Visa process. Where 2 companionships of Hermanas came and gave Arce presents (Arce felt like the man for sure haha). Then we went to Texas Roadhouse for Lunch and we got paid for!! It was super yummy. Then did studies and that night we had our ward Christmas party, it was awesome I love Latino parties except that they BLAST the music so when you already are bad at Spanish AND the music is BLASTING it makes real hard to know what people are saying haha. Then we went and got some birthday Ice Cream for E. Arce.

Domingo- Fast Sunday :( it was a good fast Sunday. We went to the church and talked more about Najla's situation with bishop because he understands Spanish way better, her baby Robert got blessed on Sunday so that's super awesome! Then we had a nice and good testimony meeting. Elder Draughon bore his final testimony in Utah cause he goes to Mendoza on Thursday! I'm so excited to see him down there! But then we went and watched the Christmas devotional with our Bishop.

Thanks for reading. I'm glad to he out here, everyday is crazy and some days its exhausting and all I wanna do is sleep but it's a huge blessing. Thank you for all the Emails I received this week it means a lot! Please keep sending them! 
Love you guys tons!

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