Thursday, December 2, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Merry Thanksgiving! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving mine was great. We grinded this week and it was very solid.

The District

- Sick baptism in Elder Payne's last area. It was awesome and then they took us to an all you can eat Buffet so that was pretty sweet.
- Thanksgiving we had a fantastic zone Service Project washing cars and giving them hot chocolate and spiritual messages.
- Thanksgiving dinner, very yummy, we went to our Bishops house and they fed us very well.

Monday- A quite solid P-day, we played a ton of basketball, and I balled up for sure. I got to meet the new missionaries and they are both a lot of fun. We had a super good time! Then that night we went to Elder Payne's old area because he had a baptism. That was super cool, it was an awesome baptism. Super spiritual and very peaceful. We then went to an all you can eat buffet and it was good. Obviously not crazy good but pretty good.

Tuesday- Honestly I can't remember at all. So it was probably a regular day.

Miércoles- Good day we had a bien district council, where we learned a ton about how we can help the Torres family want to be baptized. That night we taught them and it was great we had a super good lesson and they are so awesome. That night we went and made sure everything was ready for the car wash and so we made sure the hose worked and stuff.

Thursday- Thanksgiving. We woke up and played ball with some other Elders and it was super fun. I hit the Game winning 3 and it felt good for sure. Elder Robert's went into the custodial closet to get a band aid and well apparently all the sitting water in the hose flooded the room :( But we got the mops and got all the water off the floor haha fun way to spend the morning. Then we went and grabbed everything for the SP and then went and set everything up. It was awesome when we got our first car it was so much fun. Everyone was yelling "Go Go Go! Get to the stations!" It was so fun. Then we had to leave early for our meal and it was awesome (obviously not as good as usual) but still delicious. When we came back we had a quick  turkey bowl and it was so much fun I played fantastic defense. That night was good we went out and then I got to talk to my family so very awesome day.

Turkey Bowl!

Friday- Good day we helped the ZL's with a ton of post car wash good stuff and then had a regular day.

Saturday- We went to our stake center to hoop and there were all these guys there (Dad that's you) and they let us play with them and I am getting way better at basketball, its exciting. Then we had a solid day we had zone zoom and that was good. Because we are the "Spanish North Zone" we always say "We The North" (don't mind the copyright from the Toronto raptors) but so a bunch of us got these Toronto shirts that say we the north so I'll be drippin soon. Then we had a great night.

Domingo- Una dia de reposo bueno. Daniel watched sacrament over zoom again, which was good. We had a stake mission meeting after church, it's funny cause the English Elders have like 6 wards and tons of stuff to keep track of and then when it was our turn we took like 2 minutes cause we only have 1 ward haha. That night we taught the Torres's the commandments and it went way good. They seemed to understand everything and they had great questions. It was an awesome lesson.

A sick Pink Door

Gracias por leyendo. It was a good week and I can't wait to keep serving.

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