Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I love being a mom...most all of the time. These past few days have presented some interesting challenges: Addison's constipation has traumatized both of us with trying 'remedies' for this frustrating problem; Laynie's tantrums have become at least 10x louder and more determined over the past few days; and I was SURE that I was having a baby last Friday, only to have all of my contractions stop abruptly after several hours of coming every 5 minutes :(
But, motherhood is by far the most fulfilling and usually enjoyable thing I have ever done. Addison, after learning about plants at preschool, asked me if he were to drink a lot of water and sit in the sun if he would grow (I wish it were that easy!). And Laynie brought me her Elmo pony-tail holder after finding it outside wet from the rain and said with her serious expression "this is so terrible."
Yes, I love being a mommy, and I am so excited for our new little girl to come. Hopefully the next post will be all about her!


Amanda Davis said...

I love this picture of you with your kids! I don't know if Kelly is the one taking the pictures or not but I love that you HAVE pictures of you with your kids! I am always the one holding the camera so this is a rarity for me! I usually have to ask for it when it does happen! Good luck getting that baby girl here soon!

Ditto Family said...

Annie, your arms look SO buff!!!

We've certainly experienced both of your current motherhood traumas. Enemas, Mirlax, time outs, mommy hiding in her closet have all seemed to help.

Can't wait for the next post!

Amberli said...

just waiting, waiting! come on little baby! yes, motherhood is the best and you look great!

matthew emilee sarah and jack said...

Hope you have that baby soon or that you have already had that baby. I love the picture with the kids they are sooooo stinken cute. Anyway check out my blog you would be proud . GOod luck with everything .