Friday, September 7, 2012

Family Pictures!
 My dad was in town for a few minutes (okay, a few hours...)so we took advantage of him and got some new family pictures! We went to the very beautiful (and very unoriginal) Manito Park. The gardens are A-MAZ-ING and remind me of Europe!! 
 Dad probably shot 400+ pictures, and about 6 of them worked out where everyone was looking/smiling...of course 4 out of the 6 only had one person in it :)
Ah miss Maren, full of personality!!

 Notice how she is NOT kissing me back!  The only way I could get a smooch out of her was to make a fishy face...for some reason she'll kiss me only when making a fool out of myself...
 But Kelly will kiss me WHENEVER! :)
 My Girlies!
 LOVE this one too!
 Only a week after pictures all of the kids got their hair we're gonna have to do these again when they all look a little less rag-a-muffin-y.
 But they're still pretty cute-
 Maren would NOT hold still for a picture of her own- so Dad caught her off guard...(as if you couldn't tell!)
We are a Ditto Family!! (I hope you sung that to the tune of "we are a happy family"-we're that too)

1 comment:

Ditto Family said...

I was wondering when these were taken. The lighting is wonderful and the colors are so vibrant. What great family pics!