Monday, November 15, 2021

Temple Trip

 What a week, what a good week to be more specific! Real quick just want to say that the church is true!

Our District at the Bountiful Temple!

-We found an awesome couple that seem to totally be ready to hear and accept the gospel!
-I can feel my Spanish getting better! I am starting to understand way more!
-I finally got a new bike and it is 1000 times better than the piece of garbage I was riding before.

Monday- Very good P-day, Zone unity day! We played tons a sports and had an awesome time. We played lots of football which was super fun. Then a lot of us went to Cafe Rio which was also very fun. Reminded me of my MTC days with my mom :) 

Tuesday- Great morning, we woke up at 5:30 to get ready and go to the Bountiful temple! We got there and the thing is ENORMOUS the dressing room is the size of the Spokane temple! But it was a fantastic experience and I'm so glad we had the opportunity to go. I haven't been since the MTC and so it was awesome to go again. But unfortunately the rest of the day was less awesome. We knocked doors of people previously taught and it didn't go well. We had a guy who told us the Joseph Smith did it for money. (Clearly he's never read D&C) and the the book of Mormon is written by man and is not the word of God. We wouldn't even listen to one verse :( Then we had a guy who we knocked on at 8:20 and he flipped his lid on us. He asked us what we were doing there so late (come on my guy it's not even 8:30) but I went home feeling super discouraged. It's so hard to know that there are people out there who will not accept the gospel. Especially after knowing all the things it's done in my life.

Me and Elder Roland at the temple!

Bountiful Temple in the early morning

Wednesday- So I woke up and I didn't feel to great because of what happened on Tuesday night. But during my personal study I read 3 Nephi 21:9 "For in that day, for my sake shall the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them." That helped me out a lot. Then we went to go out and BOTH MY TIRES WERE FLAT! I pumped them both up and they both went flat immediately. I was so furious I was throwing the bike so much. So we called our District leader and asked if we could borrow his bike. He brought it to us and then we went and knocked a door and they invited us in made us dinner and we had an awesome lesson!!!! Satan was trying to make sure we didn't get there but I know that he cannot frustrate the work of the Lord. It seems like my life is a puzzle right now. Like I'll be looking for a piece like a miracle or an answer and the next day I'll find it. Super awesome.

My Awesome District!

Thursday- Well call me LeBron James because we beat Elder Gray twice in a row, and I hit both game winning shots. It's not a big deal or anything but might as well share. We had district Council which was good. Not quite as good as last weeks but still good and spiritual. We then went to this cool Food Truck called "The Zone" can you guess what they serve? Yup Calzones, they are soooooo nice and they give food to missionaries for free! Sadly they were out of Calzones so they made us something special that was very yummy. We had soccer night and it's insane how bad I am compared to this little Latino kids. They take me all day long. But it was super fun still. Trying to work on my soccer game so I don't embarrass myself in Argentina!

Friday- Solid day, we went out to all the bishops in the stake we are serving in, to ask about Spanish
speaking people that might live around them. While we were riding our bikes we came across a dog and we called his owner and returned him. Then we came to this one bishops house and he told us he was sick and he had a really important day tomorrow and needed to be there. He asked us if we could give him a blessing and so I got to give my first blessing! It was a super awesome experience and super testimony building! Then we went to the relief society presidents house (the one with the adorable granddaughter) and I taught a lesson and it actually went super well!

Reading with kids for service

Saturday- We continued to ride around and talk to the English bishops and it was super awesome! One of them gave us ice cream! We met some super cool people and had an awesome day.

Domingo- We did studies in the morning and then went to church, where we got a new bishopric! Then we went to a temple walk and we got to talk to lots of people and got some food. We returned to the people that we taught on Wednesday day and it was awesome I'm super excited for them and hope they keep progressing to baptism!

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