Sunday, November 14, 2021

Off to Layton!

 I made it to Layton! This place actually rocks. I won't be mad if I have to stay here longer than I originally wanted too. This email is mega long so if you don't wanna read it all I'll give highlights (shoutout Hermana T for the Idea).

- I live with the zone leaders, Elder Arce and Elder Gray. Who are actually the best. So nice and so funny.
- I've used Spanish way more than I thought I would. On Saturday I gave an entire lesson to some members.
- We gave a woman a blessing, It was so spiritual even though I was spooked out of my mind we went good.
- I've been paid for 4/7 times we've bought something and been given pickleball paddles (absolutely insane).
- Saw elder Backman and Roland soooooo hype.
 - It's rained everyday except Sunday and on Saturday the mountains got snow it's an awesome view.
-My bike tire got a hole in it and it was such an annoying process to fix haha. But I'm getting so good at no hands and I'm trying to teach elder Chavez.
- The funniest thing that happened was, my comp has this grass powder stuff, straight up like alfalfa and barley and wheat and we dared elder Gray to dry scoop it and he did and then he threw up twice hahahaha.

Tuesday- I said Adios to my family and hopped on a plane with 2 other elders who are dope, we had a great time on the plane. 

Saying Good-bye!

When we got there we followed the instructions and found some senior missionaries with three other elders. We tossed our things in a trailer and hopped in a van and rode the mission home (which is a church building, not the mission president's house) . We met tons of people but I was focused on that all I wanted to do was see Elder Backman and Elder Roland. But we ate some lunch and when through some instruction on different things, then I saw Elder Roland which was so hype. My mission presidents are super cool I like them a lot. Then I got to see elder Backman, then I met my companion. Elder Chavez. Then we went to our TINY house where we live with the zone leaders, Elder Gray and Elder Arce (R-say) who are awesome super cool really nice guys. Then we went and taught a lesson in Spanish ahhh it was crazy but I think I did alright. Then we went home and ate dinner and went to bed.

I found Elder Roland!!

President and Sister Johnson

Wednesday- I hopped right out of bed at 6:30 (hasn't happened since) don't worry I'm awake just not out of bed Haha. And we went and played ball with the ZL's and I suck so bad but it's ok. Then we whipped up some desayuno and started our day. We usually go to the library that's close to do our studies because our apartment is microscopic. We went to Arby's for lunch and someone paid for our food! In the afternoon we practiced singing with our district to sing the next day at a mission conference thing. Then we went home and ate and then we went and taught an investigator who's on date to be baptized. He is super cool but speaks no ingles! Then we went to meet with another investigator and my bike tire went flat!! So we got a ride back home then we went home and headed to bed.

Thursday- We hooped again in the morning and did studies. Then we NEEDED to go shopping cause I didn't have any food so I was mooching off everyone haha. AND SOMEONE PAID FOR ALL OUR GROCERIES!!!! It was like $50. Then we went to this good restaurant AND GOT PAID FOR AGAIN!!! In the afternoon we went to the mission conference thing which was good, super informative and we sang army of Helaman (which bops, take a listen) then went home and taught a non member! My comp said "look cold so he'll invite us in haha. 

Friday (the best day of the week)- I finally got my hands on a bike pump (that didn't work so I fixed it and patched my tire just to find out there was like 100 trillion more holes in it haha. So we went to Walmart and got a new tube and put that on and was ready to go (thanks for making me fix all those bikes dad, sure came in handy). Then we went to a house where one of my comps coverts had just moved out of. We knocked on the door and a woman answered and told us she didn't speak English! (Oh great here we go again) She was a member. But she had tears in her eyes and so we politely asked what was wrong. She told us she's been having marriage problems and was super sad she's has to little boys and another kid on the way (I think but my spanish is bad but we're pretty sure she said she was pregnant, she doesn't really look pregnant though so I don't know, whatever, not important) but we shared a message of love and peace and then she asked us to give her a BLESSING!!! I was crazy nervous but I think it went good. Then we told her she is strong and she will get through it. Then she gave us ice cream :) we went to a member's house next and talked to them for a while, and then went to the person we taught on Thursday to see if he was home to follow up with him, but he wasn't. Then we went and knocked on a door and talked to a 15 year old girl who's moving this week. She was really nice and funny. While we were talking it started to rain and I had a sweater but not a rain coat oops. We rode home in the pouring rain and it was awesome I felt so much like a missionary it was insane I was singing all the way home.

Me and Elder Chavez got caught in the rain!

Saturday- I woke up and made some heat pancakes for the house. But mom I need your recipe because Krustez doesn't compare. AND! The members who's guest house we're staying at gave us FREEZER JAM!!!!!!! So that's the best thing ever. Then we did studies and then for dinner elder Chavez made some very yummy spaghetti. Then we went and tried to visit these non members but they weren't home so we went to the relief society president's house and talked to them and they have the CUTEST granddaughter she was soooooo funny. Then they convinced me to give an ENTIRE lesson in Spanish! It went pretty good I think (I mean they told me it was good but it was probably bum smacks) but while we were talking the little girl was playing tic tac toe with me haha but she would do so many boxes and then make it up as she'd go haha. And then I taught her how to play the dot game but she would draw a full square and then give herself like 4 points and me like 4 points so that was pretty funny. They asked if I have little sibs because I was so patient haha. Then we went home and moved the bunk bed into the bedroom for more space in the open room but it was so much harder than I thought and took like an hour and a half eek! 

(the fruit bowl I crafted to make it feel more like home) 

Sunday- I woke up and I read like 5 chapters of the Book of Mormon and then after breakfast (forgot it was fast Sunday oops) during personal study read like 10 more. I've never liked to read the Book of Mormon
like this before, it's kinda weird. Then we went to church which was whack barely understood anything haha. The elders did a little thing about Joseph Smith to the primary (luckily all the kids also speak English haha) but you can tell the other elders have WAY less experience with kids than me haha. Then we went to a member's house to eat dinner and it was SO GOOD and I ate a piece of a habanero that they grew in their garden... very bad idea haha. But the food was so yummy she's from Guatemala (shout out best MTC companion E. Cortez!) I hope you get to eat food like that there. Then went out to talk to some people and we met this I swear drunk lady but she is a member and has kids, and went on a mission but she was kinda crazy haha. Then on our way back home it was like 8:30 and we saw some people playing pickleball and we went and played with them and talked to them and then they GAVE US THEIR PADDLES AND 2 BALLS!!! Insane. So I'm hype to play pickleball now. Then we got home and had a super dope Poker night and hit the hay.

Monday- We and went and played basketball for like 2 hours (Lots of fun, except everyone is better than me cause I'm crazy bad). Then we got flu shots. We're going to play games later so I'm stoked for that.

Great week, I can't wait to continue the work. I hope your all doing great.
Love, Elder Ditto.

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